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500 Subscribers

500 Subscribers

In November 2020, we got our 100th subscriber - today, in January 2022, we have 500!

2020 in Review & Happy New Year!

2020 is the first year of Hyvor Talk. As a newcomer to the commenting system market, we could achieve a lot. This is a short review of what happened throughout this year.

From Almost Shutting Down to 100 Paying Customers

Yesterday, we got our 100th paying customer for Hyvor Talk. As an independent bootstrapped product, this is a huge milestone.

Saying "Goodbye" to the Free Plan

Starting from the 5th of September 2020, we are completely removing the free plan from Hyvor Talk. Users who signed up before the time of this change will have their account upgraded to the premium plan with 5,000 page views per month for free.