We answered the question — What is a Commenting Strategy? — while back on this blog. Given the fact that free content is definitely King in this wild wide landscape of interactions, this blog post is focused on the good, bad, and ugly of the type of people who comment. This is why we wrote 6 Types of Blog Comments with Examples. You will realize that a content democracy is what the internet is, yet there is a great deal of vitriol that spills out from certain corners of the blogosphere via comments. Despite all of this, having a comment box and embedded comments are important.
It would be true to say that it takes all sorts to make a world, and being affable is a two-way street. Commenting is in a sense empowerment; and, this gives a sense of validation when participants feel they are heard. Yet, this can be on a different level quite nefarious. Read on to find out about the types of commenters you need to be aware of.
1. Your Content is #Crap#

There always is ‘one of those’ who are in it to ruin the party and the vibe. Besides disliking the article and disliking the author as well, they contribute nothing to the conversation. Nothing helpful was written, and nothing positive was said. All of this is under the veil of anonymity and cowardice.
2. You are Wrong but Ok

There’s that person who comments rather forcefully disagreeing with what you have written. It can take on very personal dimensions and can be very nasty. It’s best to mitigate such a comment by fighting with politeness or just moderate the comment based on commenting guidelines.
3. Care for some Quid Pro Quo

Ever seen those emollient comments that are saccharine-sweet? It’s all about being absolutely sweet, and you just know that it’s just someone fishing for a favor or a collaboration in the future. Hey, it’s not all bad, but it’s a great opportunity to network...provided networking is something you’d want to do with people of that ilk.
4. But, I Digress

Ever read a comment on a blog that should have belonged in a different niche? It’s like watching NFL and commenting about F1. It just doesn’t make sense. And frankly, don’t even bother trying. (To understand, that is.)
5. Didn’t Read, but Here’s What I Think

I personally don’t understand this guy. Why say you got invited to a party and complain about the punch when you never went in the first place? This is him. Maybe it is a need for validation or maybe it’s just boredom, how about just Netflix and chilling instead?
6. What A Waste!

Negative through and through, this guy is never about good cheer. It’s all negative and then some. These types disagree about the title, and the article itself, and will question as to why it was written in the first place. This is where the art of Content Moderation: The Different Types and it’s Importance comes in.
A blog provides an individual or business the means to share all kinds of information and reap all sorts of rewards from their efforts. Blogs can be therapeutic alone or do double duty by both serving as a social outlet and money generator. With that in mind, remember that as explained in this blog post, make commenting a two-way street. Be nice, productive, and affable. It’s the only way to ensure you build a close circle of influence for yourself.